
Gerechtigkeit im Islam

The Importance of Justice In the Islamic world view, justice means putting things in their rightful places. It also includes treating others equally. Justice is also a moral value and a quality of human personality in Islam, just like in Western tradition. Justice is similar to equality in the sense that it creates a state … Weiterlesen

Warum sich britische Frauen dem Islam zuwenden

The spread of a world religion Lucy Berrington found that despite the hostile media coverage in the West, Muslim belief in the West was gaining more and more followers. Countless British citizens, mostly women, convert to Islam in times of deep divisions between the Anglican and Catholic Church. The number of conversions has increased so … Weiterlesen

Wie unterscheidet sich der Islam von anderen Religionen?

(part 1 of 2)   Simplicity, rationality and practicability Islam is a religion without any mythology. His teachings are simple and understandable. He is free from superstitions and incomprehensible misconceptions. The unity of God, the prophethood of Muhammad and the concept of life after death are the principles of his faith. They are based on … Weiterlesen

Die Fitrah

When a child is born, it has a natural belief in God. This natural belief is called „Fitrah“ in Arabic. [1] If the child were left to its own devices, it would grow up knowing that there is only one God; but all children are exposed to the influences of their environment, be it directly … Weiterlesen