
Glaube an Gott

(part 1 of 3)   Introduction The heart of Islam is belief in God. At the core of Islamic belief is the commitment to the phrase: La ilaha illa Allah, “There is no true deity worthy of worship except Allah”. The testimony to this belief, called tauhid, is the axis around which everything in Islam … Weiterlesen


(part 1 of 3): Origin and History The Prophet, God’s blessings and peace be upon him, said: ´I asked God for three things, He from me two and one He did not give me. I asked God to save my nation from being destroyed by natural disasters and He granted me this. I asked God … Weiterlesen

Glaube an die Engel

Reality of the Angels In ordinary peoples, the angels are regarded as good forces of nature, as a luminous appearance or illusion. On western icons, the angels are sometimes depicted as fat, chubby babies or as handsome young men or women with a glow around their heads. According to the Islamic teaching, these are actually … Weiterlesen

Prophetentum im Islam

(part 1 of 2): The Essence of Propheticism Propheticism is not unknown to the heavenly revelation religions, such as Judaism and Christianity. However, it has a special status and meaning in Islam. According to Islam, God created man for a noble purpose: to serve Him and to live a righteous life based on His teachings … Weiterlesen

Die Welt der Ğinn

(part 1 of 2)   The supernatural and the invisible have always had a strong attraction for people. The existence of a world next to our world has always fascinated people. This world is usually considered a spiritual world, and almost every people has their own ideas about it. For some people, these spirits are … Weiterlesen


(part 1 of 3): Made to worship and obey God Muslims believe in the existence of angels. There are six beliefs in Islam; the belief in God, the one and only, the creator and provider of everything that exists, the belief in His angels, His books, His messengers, in The Last Day and in divine … Weiterlesen