
The difference between a mushrik and a kaafir

source: silsilat ul-hudā wa nnūr ~ the series of guidance and light ~ tape no. 727 Question #7: “Is every mushrik (one who associates partners with Allāh) a kāfir (disbeliever), but not every kāfir is a mushrik? Or are they the same?” Shaykh al-Albāni answers: “This is the established understanding in people’s minds, except few … Read more

The Origins of Shirk

Author: Shaykh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani From that which has been established in the Sharee’ah (prescribed law) is that mankind was – in the beginning – a single nation upn true Tawheed, then Shirk (directing any part or form of worship, or anything else that is solely the right of Allaah, to other than Allaah) gradually … Read more

Mocking the religion is major disbelief

Q: “With regard to mocking the religion, which was mentioned in Allaah’s Statement: {Say: Was it Allaah and His Aayaat (verses, revelations, proofs, lessons, signs) and His Messenger that you were mocking? Make no excuse; you disbelieved after you had believed},1 is the disbelief here kufr i`tiqaadi (disbelieving by one’s heart) or kufr `amali (disbelieving … Read more


Ahmadiyyah (Part 1 of 3): The Prophet, may God praise him, said: ‘I asked God for three things, He gave me two and didn’t give me one. I asked God to save my nation from being destroyed by natural calamities and He gave it to me. I asked God to protect my nation from defeat … Read more

The Names of God

In any discussion about the Names of God, it is important to understand that Muslims believe in One True God, the only Creator, the One Who has Dominion over all that exists, has ever existed or will come to exist. A Muslim worships the same One God whom all the Prophets worshipped. “…were you witnesses … Read more


(part 1 of 2): Who are the Mormons? Mormonism – the doctrines and practices of the Mormon Church based on the Book of Mormon.[1] Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The name Latter-day comes from the belief that after the death of the early apostles, the Christian church fell … Read more


(part 1 of 2) What is Wicca? The word wicca comes from the Saxon root wicce, loosely translated as “wise” or “to bend or shape the unseen forces.” Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan[1] religions which are reconstructions of ancient abandoned pagan belief systems, including Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Roman, and other traditions. Thus … Read more


(part 1 of 2): Origin and History One of the groups associated with Islam which catches the attention of most Westerners is that known as Bahaism, due to their catchy yet evasive principle of peace and the unity of humanity. In reality, Bahaism is a sect which, according to Islam, is outside its fold due … Read more

Shiites, Shiism, and Islam

(part 1 of 2) One of the most perplexing scenarios to non-Muslims and new Muslims alike is the division they may see between Shiites and Sunni Muslims. Some tend to become confused when they see that each group claims to be following the true Islam. To truly understand this subject to the fullest, one must … Read more


(part 1 of 2) Introduction Whether it’s from a documentary on TV or a beautifully designed website, the majority have heard something about ‘Sufis’ and ‘Sufism’; programs on TV have aired, talk show hosts have made mention of them and politicians are taking a keen interest in this group… one has only to type the … Read more