
Das Design in der Natur

Let us think briefly of an aspirin tablet; you will immediately awaken the notch in the middle of your memory. This notch was made to make it easier for those who want to take half a dose. Every product we see around us has a particular design, even if it’s not as simple as the aspirin tablet, everything from the vehicles we drive to work to the TV remote control.

In short, “design” means a harmonious combination of the different parts in an orderly form for a specific goal. Based on this definition, there would be no doubt that a car is „designed“. This is because it has a specific goal, which is to transport people and their luggage. To achieve this goal, the different parts such as the engine, tires and passenger compartment must be planned and assembled.

But what about a living creature? Could a bird and the mechanisms of its flight ability be ‚designed‘ as well? Before we answer that, let’s repeat the evaluation as if we were driving. The goal in this case is to fly. Hollow bones with strong muscles that move these bones are used for this purpose, combined with feathers that are able to float in the air. Aerodynamic wings are shaped and the metabolism is adjusted to the needs of the bird with its high energy requirements. It is obvious that the bird is the product of a certain design.

If you do similar research on other animals, you will find similar facts. There are examples of a particular, meticulously accurate design in every creature. If you continue to follow this path, you will find out that we too are part of this particular design. Your hands holding these pages are more functional than robotic hands could ever be. Your eyes reading these lines allow you to see with such sharpness that the best camera on earth cannot imitate.

This brings us to this important conclusion: all creatures in nature, including ourselves, are ‚designed‘. In return, this knowledge shows us the existence of a creator who created all creatures according to his will, preserves all of nature and has absolute strength and wisdom.

However, this truth is denied by the theory of evolution that was established in the mid-19th century. The theory that Charles Darwin made known in his book „On the Origin of Species“ assures that all creatures have evolved through a series of coincidences, essentially one out of the other.

According to the basic claim of this theory, all living things are subject to the smallest and most random changes. When these random changes are useful to the creature, it gains an advantage over others that it passes on to future generations.

This idea became widespread because it sounded very scientific and convincing 140 years ago. But if you look at them under a larger microscope and compare them with examples of design in the creatures, a completely different picture of Darwin’s theory is painted, ie the explanation of Darwinism is nothing more than a self-contradicting treacherous cycle.

First, let’s take a look at the „random changes“. Due to the lack of genealogical knowledge in his time, Darwin could not provide an understandable definition of this concept. The evolutionists who followed him added the concept of „mutation“ to this theory.

Mutation is an arbitrary suppression, misplacement or shifting of genes of living beings. The most important thing is that not a single mutation in history has been shown to improve the condition of a creature’s genetic information. Almost all known cases of mutations hinder or damage these creatures and the rest have neutral effects. To think that a creature would be improved by mutation is also as if you were shooting into a crowd hoping the resulting injuries would result in healthier and improved people. That would be absolute nonsense.

What is importantly contradicts all scientific data, even if one admits that a certain mutation can certainly improve the condition of a being, nevertheless Darwinism cannot be saved from the inevitable collapse. The reason for this is a concept called „irrecoverable complexity“.

The obvious consequence of this concept is that the majority of systems and organs in living things function as a result of different, independent parts that work together. Leaving out or hindering even one of them would be enough to override the entire system or organ.

For example, an ear only perceives sound through a series of reactions from smaller organs. If one is removed or deformed, for example one of the bones of the middle ear, hearing would no longer be possible. In order for an ear to be able to hear sounds, the various components such as the ear canal, hammer, anvil and stirrup, eardrum, snail and fluid, sensory cells, corti organ and networking of the auditory nerves that connect to the auditory cortex in the cerebrum must work together without exception.
The system cannot have developed from individual parts, because none of these individual parts would work alone.

Therefore, the concept of „irreversible complexity“ completely destroys the theory of evolution. What is really interesting is the fact that Darwin had already thought about these prospects. He wrote in „The Origin of Species“:

“If the impossibility of forming a complex organ from a series of small changes will ever emerge, my theory will certainly have failed. However, I could not find such an organ … ”(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 189.)

Darwin could not find such an organ in the early days of scientific development in the 19th century and would not have wanted to find it. However, 20th century science analyzed nature down to the smallest detail, proving that the majority of living structures embody „irreversible complexity“. This is exactly what Darwin feared: his theory „certainly failed“.

If we examine living things, we will not only see the immense mistake Darwinism makes, but we will also witness the great wisdom behind the creation of these systems. We find these mechanisms everywhere: from the wings of birds to the inside of a bat’s brain. From this we will no doubt recognize the undeniable evidence of God’s creation. Likewise, in a chapter of the Quran God’s power and ability to create without mistakes are expressed:

“He is God – the Creator, the Creator, the Creator. He has the most beautiful names. Everything that is in heaven and on earth praises Him, and He is the Exalted, the All-Wise. ” (Quran 59:24)


Source: https://www.islamland.com/deu/articles/das-design-in-der-natur

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