
Gerechtigkeit im Islam

The Importance of Justice

In the Islamic world view, justice means putting things in their rightful places. It also includes treating others equally. Justice is also a moral value and a quality of human personality in Islam, just like in Western tradition. Justice is similar to equality in the sense that it creates a state of equilibrium in the distribution of rights and duties, but they are not identical. Sometimes justice is achieved through inequality, like the unequal distribution of wealth. The Prophet of Islam stated:

“There are seven groups of people to whom God will shade with His shadow on the day when there will be no shadow other than His. [One of them is] the just leader. ” (Sahieh Muslim)
God said the following to His Messenger:

“O my servants, I have forbidden injustice to myself and I have also forbidden it for you. So avoid being unfair to each other. ” (Sahieh Muslim)

So justice stands for moral honesty and justice, because it means that things should go where they belong.

Justice is important

The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, regards justice as an overriding value. It is a basic goal of Islam, even second in order of importance, right after the priority of belief in God’s exclusive right to worship (Tauhied) and the truth of Muhammad’s prophecy. God declares in the Quran:

“Truly, God commands to do justly (to act), selflessly to do good …” (Quran 16:90)

And in another place:

“O you who believe! Stand up for God and be witnesses to justice. ” (Quran 5: 8)

From this one can conclude that justice is a duty in Islam and injustice is forbidden. The central position that justice occupies in the Quranic value system is reflected in the following verse:
„Truly, we sent our messengers with clear evidence and sent the book and the scales down with them so that people may practice justice …“ (Quran 57:25)

The phrase “Our Messenger” shows that justice has been the goal of all the revelations and scriptures that have been sent to humanity. The verse also shows that justice must be measured and must meet the standard and guidelines set by the revelation. The Islamic concept of justice is understandable and comprehensive. Any path leading to justice is in accordance with Islamic law. God has commanded righteousness, and although He does not prescribe a specific path, He has given us general guidelines that can be used to achieve them. He has not prescribed fixed means by which it can be obtained, nor has He invalidated any means and methods that can lead to justice. Therefore all means

Equality and Justice

The Quranic standards of justice go beyond considerations of race, religion, color and belief, because the Muslims were ordered to be fair to friends and enemies alike and to be fair at all levels, as we read in the Quran:

“O you who believe, be on guard with the exercise of justice and be witnesses to God, even if it is against yourself or against parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor … ”(Quran 4: 135)

According to another passage in the Quran:

“ And hatred of a group should not tempt you to act differently than justly. Be just, that is closer to the fear of God … ”(Quran 5: 8)

Regarding relations with non-Muslims, the Quran further states:
“God does not forbid you to be kind to those who have not fought you for faith and have not driven you out of your homes and to deal with them fairly , truly, God loves the righteous. ” (Quran 60: 8)
The Quran scholars have concluded that these rules apply to all nations, to followers of every faith, indeed to all mankind. [2] From the Quran’s perspective, justice is an obligation. This is why the Prophet was told:
„… but judge, judge between them in righteousness …“ (Quran 5:42)
„Truly, We have sent the Book of Truth to you so that you may judge between people as God has shown you.“ (Quran 4: 105)

The Prophet was sent to the peoples as a judge and was told:

„… Say:“ I believe in what God has sent down in the book, and I have been ordered to reach righteously between you … „(Quran 42:15)

The Quran sees itself as a script, which is mainly the Laying down the principles of faith and justice. The Quran commands justice for all and that it is an everlasting law for all human beings under Islamic law. [3] This timeless connection of the Quran is the basic standard of justice, as we can see from the explanation:
“And the word of your Lord has been accomplished in truth and righteousness. Nobody can change his words. ” (Quran 6: 115)

Righteousness is something entrusted to God that has been entrusted to man, and, like all other entrusted things, its fulfillment must be guided by a sense of responsibility, which is more than the mere fulfillment of specified ones Regulate. Therefore, the Quran states:
“God commands you to return the entrusted goods to their owners; and when you judge between people to judge justice … ”(Quran 4:58)

The reference to justice that immediately follows the fulfillment of the things entrusted to us shows that this is one of the most important things entrusted to us. [4 ]

Justice as Personality

Value The Quranic concept of justice extends to justice as a personal value. And as part of the moral excellence, which in turn is part of his fear of God, the believer is advised to be just. God says:
“Be righteous, that is closer to the fear of God …” (Quran 5: 8)

The Prophet himself commanded:

“Be fearful of God and be righteous to your children.” [5]

The Quran addresses the faithful:
“… If you make a statement, practice justice, even if it affects a close relative …” (Quran 6: 152)

The Quran encourages justice in examples

The Quran also points to special circumstances and contexts of justice. One of these circumstances is the demand for fair treatment of the orphans. God says:

“And do not come close to the orphan’s property unless it is for their own good until they are of legal age. And give full measure and weight in equity. ”(Quran 6: 152, see also 89:17, 93: 9, and 107: 2)

Just behavior in measuring and weighing, as mentioned in the verse cited above, is also pointed out in other passages in which justice in the Buying, selling and business transactions in general, is emphasized. There is an entire chapter in the Qur’an, Surah al-Mutaffifien (‚The shortening of the measure,‘ 83), in which malicious traders are given the divine curse.

Justice also appears in connection with polygamy. The Quran commands fair treatment of all women. The verse on polygamy begins with orphan girls who may be subject to seduction and injustice. When they reach marriageable age, they should be married, even if it is in a polygamous relationship, especially if there is an uneven number of men and women, as was the case after the Battle of Uhud when this verse was broadcast. But as the Quran states:

„… and if you fear not to be just, (marry) only one …“ (Quran 4: 3)

In conclusion, let’s cite the words Sarkhasis, a recognized Islamic legal scholar who said: „‚Just justice‘ ranks among the most sublime humble deeds right after believing in God. It is the greatest duty with which the messengers came … and it is the strongest justification for the governance of man on earth. ”[6]

[1] Qaradawi, Yusuf, ‚Madkhal li-Darasah al-Sharia al -Islamiyya, ‚p. 177
[2] Kamali, Mohammad,‘ Freedom, Equality, And Justice In Islam, ‚p. 111
[3] Qutb, Sayyid,‘ Fi Zilal al-Quran, ‚vol 2, p. 689
[ 4] Razi, Fakhr al-Din, ‚al-Tafsir al-Kabir,‘ vol 3, p. 353
[5] Riyad us-Salihien
[6] Sarkhasi, Shams al-Din, ‚al-Mabsut,‘ vol. 14, pp. 59-60


Source: https://www.islamland.com/deu/articles/gerechtigkeit-im-islam

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