
The Hajj – The Pilgrimage

It’s that time of the year, Muslims all over the world are getting restless. Their Home in the heart of the planet beckons them. It’s time to pay homage to the Beloved God in the House. It’s time to come Home. It’s time to come Home to the Holy Sanctuary of Kaaba. It’s time to … Read more

Prayer in Islam

The religion of Islam and the Muslims feature prominently in the media nowadays; unfortunately, they are often depicted as fanatical or extreme for simply following the basic tenants of Islam. The information that is circulated is often incorrect or inadequately explained. Basic practices and pillars of Islam begin to take on strange connotations when the … Read more

The Economic System of Islam (part 2 of 2): Its Ideology

The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity The ideological basis in Islam may be summarized into six basic principles: The cornerstone is that everything has to start from the belief in God as the Creator, Lord, and Sovereign of the universe.  This implies willingness to submit to God’s will, to accept His guidance, and to have … Read more

The Economic System of Islam (part 1 of 2): The Sources of Islamic Economics

Introduction As a complete way of life, Islam has provided guidelines and rules for every sphere of life and society.  Naturally, a functioning economic system is vital for a healthy society, as the consumption of goods and services, and the facilitation of this by a common medium of exchange, play a major role in allowing … Read more