
Belief in the Prophets

Belief in certain prophets who God chose to relay His message to humans is a required article of Islamic faith. “The Prophet (Muhammad) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in God, His Angels, His Books, and His prophets. (They say,) ‘We … Read more

The True Richness

(part 1 of 2) Many people mistakenly assume that true wealth and real treasure is that of money. It is indeed true that wealth is a great blessing from God which He bestows upon His servants. And the one who earns it purely, and spends it properly, and gives it to those that deserve it, … Read more

Belief in Life after Death

Everyone is scared of dying and rightly so. The uncertainty of what lies beyond is frightening. It may be that of all religions, Islam, provides the most graphic details of what comes after death and lies beyond. Islam views death to be a natural threshold to the next stage of existence. Islamic doctrine holds that … Read more

Belief in Divine Decree

The sixth and last article of Islamic faith is belief in divine decree which means that everything good or bad, all moments of happiness or sorrow, pleasure or pain, come from God. First, God’s foreknowledge is infallible. God is not indifferent to this world or its people. He is Wise and Loving, but this should … Read more

Prophethood in Islam

(part 1 of 2): The Nature of Prophethood Prophethood is not unknown to heavenly revealed religions, such as Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, however, it has a special status and significance. According to Islam, God created man for a noble purpose: to worship Him and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. … Read more

The World of the Jinn

(part 1 of 2) Throughout history man has always had a deep attraction for the supernatural and the unseen. The existence of a world parallel to our own has always fascinated people. This world is commonly referred to as the spirit world, and almost every set of people have some concept of one. With some … Read more


(part 1 of 3): Created to worship and obey God Muslims believe in the existence of angels. In Islam there are six pillars of faith; belief in God, the One and Only, the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists, belief in His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day and divine predestination. Angels … Read more

Are we Alone?

(part 1 of 3): The World of the Jinn Throughout history humankind has been attracted to the supernatural. Spirits, ghosts and many other strange creatures have filled our minds and captured our imaginations. Strange and beguiling spectres have at times lead people to commit the greatest of all sins – Shirk.[1] So are these spirits … Read more

What is Sikhism? (part 2 of 2): An Indian or Monotheistic Religion?

Sikhism is known as one of the Indian religions along with Hinduism and Buddhism, which we have discussed, and Jainism.  These four religions share certain key concepts that are interpreted slightly differently by each group or sub group.  They are all linked by a belief in karma, and the concept of reincarnation.  In Hinduism the … Read more

What is Sikhism? (part 1 of 2): Ten Gurus and a Book

Sikhism originated from the word Sikh, which in turn comes from the Sanskrit root śiṣya meaning disciple or learner.  It is the world’s fifth largest religion, with approximately 27 million adherents.  The majority of Sikhs live in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan; however Sikhs live all over the world with more than 336,000 … Read more